48 hours forecast of biogeochemical sea water conditions

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Northern Adriatic Sea short-term forecast of biogeochemical sea water conditions.

Data are produced by the OGS ECHO research group by means of the coupled MITgcm-BFM modelling system. Data are generated using the E.U. Copernicus Marine Service Information dataset, which provides the initial and boundary conditions for the model. The forecasting system is automatically run at the CINECA supercomputing centre (Bologna, Italy).

48-hour forecast is produced daily (after a 7 days hindcast, starting from CMEMS initial conditions). The model domain has been discretized with a horizontal resolution of 1/128° (850 m × 600 m) and 27 unequally spaced vertical levels. The system considers the 19 major rivers flowing into the basin.

We acknowledge Arpae-SIMC (HydroMeteorological Service of the Emilia-Romagna Regional Agency for Environmental Protection) for the meteorological data of the COSMO model and for the real-time data of the Po River.

This version of the northern Adriatic forecasting system has been carried out in the framework of the Consortium Agreement FPCUP and it has been funded by the Framework Partnership Agreement "Caroline Herschel" n. 275/G/GRO/COPE/17/10042 (Amendment n.1). The activity belongs to the action 2019-3-34 “Implementation of Copernicus downstream products for monitoring bathing and shellfish waters and piloting user uptake” (Work Programme 2019 - Tier 3) jointly developed by ISPRA, OGS, Arpae-SIMC, CNR-ISMAR, CMCC, IZSLER, IZSVe and AMA.

The system is still in its preliminary configuration and it is currently under development.

For any additional information regarding the forecasting model, please contact echo@ogs.it